See how leading companies in their segments operate with a larger structure Lean while ensuring an experience WOW Of service

With Cloud Humans, to Pier Deliver one humanized, assertive, fast and cost-controlled service.

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How Insider delivered an incredible experience with cloud humans (98% CSAT during Black Friday) without having to increase the team during this challenging period

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Nuvemshop replaced the chatbot as a tree with CLAudia, doubling service retention and increasing 35 percentage points of CSAR

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What helpdesks do you support?

The services will be performed using all your tools. We connect to it without involving your technology team at any time, with just one access and without disturbing your automated flows. We are integrated with major helpdesks such as Zendesk, Intercom, Freshdesk, FrontApp, Kustomer, Hubspot, Octadesk, Twilio, and many others.

What back-office tools do you support?

It is also possible to provide assistance by accessing any back-office tool or internal system used by your agents. We offer different alternatives for access.

What types of processes do you handle?

We handle all your matters, from the simple to the most complex processes. Some examples include: registration issues, order status, product information, technical issues, whatever you need.

Who provides the services?

The services are provided by artificial intelligence (AI). We also offer service alternatives for tickets that require extra access with the assistance of human professionals. These professionals face a series of training and questionnaires, in addition to being required to operate with a robust security and privacy tool.

How does Claudia absorb the knowledge of my company?
Claudia quickly absorbs her team's service policies (FAQ) and data from previous conversations, allowing her to “emulate” her best agents and provide consistent, high-quality service.
How is the pricing?
The solution operates through flexible billing. We charge 0.36 USD for each ticket answered without human need and 0.24 USD for tickets that are partially solved by CLAudia and scheduled for her team.
Is it necessary to involve the technical team to integrate Claudia?

No, the integration of Claudia does not require the involvement of the technical team. Just add a new license to your customer service system and the integration will be activated by Claudia's specialized team.

How do we communicate?

We use a Slack channel for communication, always counting on professionals who specialize in your content to assist. If you don't use Slack, we're able to serve you via other communication channels you already use or add it to our Slack. We have a dashboard, where you can also analyze your main metrics and the cost of the operation.

If I change a process, how do I notify you?

You will have access to the project's knowledge base on your dashboard and can make edits to the process directly through the platform.

How does it work to get started?

To get started with Claudia, simply contact us to setup CLAudia and connect to your current help desk. Our team will provide support during the process and ensure that CLAudia is ready to handle customer interactions efficiently. It is now possible to activate the solution in less than 1 day.

To start with you, does it have to be 100% of the calls?

No, it is possible to start with a partial volume of your service to test the solution gradually. The important thing is to deliver value on the channels you need, solving the problems of your CX team.

Can you answer my tone of voice?

Of course! The service will be provided in the manner that you indicate as ideal 😉

Come have a virtual coffee with us:)

Humanized support, on a budget and without a headache.

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